The Odyssey begins...

We have decided to hang up our work hats, move out of our house, and live the mountain life for a few months until I (Sarah) start residency in Albuquerque, NM this July. We've talked about doing something like this for years and are so excited to actually be doing it! We hope to do a lot of snowboarding and soak up the natural beauty that the western half of our country has to offer!

Step 1: move out of our house in Carlsbad, put stuff in storage, get rid of lot of stuff (we tried), and pack up our Subrina to the gills! This went relatively smoothly..phew! 

Step 2: break up the drive to South Lake Tahoe by at least getting out of LA for the first leg of the trip. Now this is where our odyssey started to feel a little not so fun. Goal was to get to Ridgecrest and drive the rest of the way the next day. Well, factor in rush hour, LA traffic, POURING RAIN, and the beginning of a holiday weekend...this all made what should have been a 3 hour drive a 6 hour drive. Not fun. None of this was documented because...why would we?  

Step 3: Ridgecrest to Tahoe. This was much better than step 2! The eastern Sierras and driving along the 395 is by far one of our favorite places/drives/everything! We were able to time driving/breaks with Sage's naps and he did surprisingly well! The weather started getting interesting once we started to get near Mammoth....there was all kinds of driving conditions: wind/blowing snow with minimal visibility, heavy snow fall, light snow with blue sky breaking through. It was exciting and beautiful and white knuckling at times...thankfully Nik drove the snowy part as he is a lot more experienced and calmer in those situations.

Somewhere between June Lake and Tahoe

Our angel baby being a trooper in the car! Note the plastic bag wedged in there. The car was so full if you sneezed and a window was down, something might fall out!

We finally (ahhh!!) made it to our place in South Lake that we will call home for 5 weeks. It was really fun to explore the house and see how much snow had fallen in the town (SO MUCH). Sage got to crawl around and get some of his willies out after being in the car seat all day. 

Blurry photo because this guy was on the move! Likely pretty excited to be out of car

All in all we are quite relieved to be done with moving and to be finally embarking on this journey we've dreamed about doing for years. 


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